It has been said that people who write their goals down, and read them every day, have a much higher success rate in achieving them.
I guess it is a little like reading a map. If you are going the same place every day, who needs a map? But if you are going further a field, beyond your current field of reference, to place you haven’t been before, you tend to watch the map pretty closely. Ask anyone who is trying to navigate an unfamiliar major city. The map is essential.
So in your business if you are going the same place this year as last year, you don’t need to refer to goals or plans – that is unless things suddenly go very wrong and to find you need a map to navigate the waters of bankruptcy. Then you would follow plans in meticulous detail – to try and get out with as much as possible.
What is your plan for the next financial year? Do you want to increase you turnover? Your profits? – by a little or a lot? Or do you simply want to find a better balance between working horrendous hours in your business vs spending time with your family? Whatever your goals, we can help! Get in touch with us at ActionCOACH North Brisbane to book your FREE mentoring meeting, where you and your coach will develop strategies for success.